
This page

This page is the “About” page. Here I explain the purpose of my site. Please continue reading.

This site

The purpose of this site is to immortalize (in github’s Arctic vault no less) all the rants and opinions I’ve accumulated over my long and prosperous short and otherwise uneventful existence. Sometimes I will write many things. Sometimes I will not write anything. There’s no main subject and no single language. I hate taking decisions and I hate classifications.


Many years ago during an informal professional gathering a friend described me and my brother as “engineers who like to ride bicycles”. Although 100% at the time, I was slightly pissed off to listen what was 20+ years of my existence summarized on such a simple phrase. Also, I was intrigued. If this friend thinks this of me: what may other people, who know me less still, think? With time, I’ve learned to appreciate the exactness of the definition. Also with time, I’ve accumulated some other badges / tags: PhD in Operations Research, double-entrepreneur and President of the United States of America.

Somewhere else I gave this description which I think it’s still valid (and may be for a long time): Engineer, programmer and scientist. Loves solving puzzles, organizing stuff and customer service. During his free (and not-so-free) time he’s a cyclist and professional skeptic.


If you want to tell me something, the easier is to write me an email: pchtsp at gmail dot com.